- The Head of the UGCC in Stradch: “Don’t be afraid to be holy since only then we will be able to perform all other tasks of life” 27 June 2016 12:52 On June 26 there took place the All-Ukrainian Pilgrimage to Stradch, Lviv region, which occurred at same time with several important events in the life of the Church.
- The Head of the UGCC discussed with Petro Poroshenko the results of Cardinal Secretary of State visiting Ukraine 24 June 2016 00:42 The Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church His Beatitude Sviatoslav on the 22nd of June met with the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. The meeting was held at the request of the head of the state. Bishop Borys Gudziak, the head of the Department of the External Church Relations...
- The Head of the UGCC discussed with Ambassador of Austria in Ukraine humanitarian situation in our country 23 June 2016 12:29 On June 21, in the Partriarchal residence at the Partriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, took place an official meeting of the Father and Head of the UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Austria to Ukraine Ms. Hermine Poppeller....
- The Head of the UGCC congratulated the first graduates from Kyiv Three Holy Hierarchs Spiritual Seminary 22 June 2016 21:04 Feast of the Holy Trinity is of a special meaning to Kyiv Spiritual Seminary. As is generally known it is founded in Radomyshl, being consecrated to the Holy and Life-giving Trinity which gave space for growth in holiness everyone who is called for it. And today Holy Spirit grants our Church the first...
- The Head of the UGCC on the Solemnity of Pentecost: “Let us go to the East! Since the future of the UGCC and Ukraine is forged where there is war and people suffer” 20 June 2016 12:13 After the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles, none of them remained in their place – the Church set out for the New Testament Exodus. Such is the face of the Church the Pope speaks about - when the Church goes out to the needs, cries, and sadness of people in the world because it is called to save it. ...
- Meeting between President and Cardinal Secretary of State of the Holy See 19 June 2016 14:12 Following the meeting with Cardinal Secretary of State of the Holy See Pietro Parolin, President Petro Poroshenko noted that Ukraine and the Vatican City have an efficient dialogue. He underscored high attention of the Holy See to Ukraine and the issues of security on the European continent,...
- The Head of the UGCC: “Presence of Secretary of State of the Holy See who speaks about war, is the voice which awakens Europeans’ conscience” 18 June 2016 12:03 Yesterday in Zaporizhzhia Cardinal Pietro Parolin clearly expressed the position of the Holy See regarding the sacredness and inviolability of the Ukrainian borders. The Apostolic See supports sovereignty of the Ukrainian State and those territories which the Ukrainian authorities do not...
- The Head of the UGCC thanked German Episcopal Conference for making donation to the victims of war in Ukraine 16 June 2016 12:09 Pope Francis’ initiative to contribute to a charity collection in all Catholic parishes of Europe to help victims of war in Ukraine appeared to us a prominent sign of solidarity from our brothers and sisters in Western Europe. Simultaneously it is a clear proof of Christian mercy concerning...
- The Head of the UGCC: “Once Ukrainian family saved the Church, now its holy task to save a family” 14 June 2016 14:05 Recently His Holiness Pope Francis has presented all Universal Church new apostolic exhortation “Amoris Laetitia” (The Joy of Love). All universal churches are debating on this document. There are many questions both around the text and what family ministry has to be like. ...
- The Head of the UGCC: «Our task – to pray for those who do not accept the Gospel, do not know God and truth about a human and a family» 13 June 2016 12:18 In the period from Resurrection to Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, the UGCC passes through the Mission Decade. During this time, the faithful carry out what Christ was praying for at The Holy Supper: in these ten days the Church prays for those people who have not experienced Christ’s faith yet. ...
- The 72nd Session of the Synod of Bishops of Kyiv-Galician Supreme Archbishopric of the UGCC 11 June 2016 15:18 June, 7-8, 2016 at Marist Retreat Centre “Zarvanytsia” under the chairmanship of the Head and Father of the UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav was held the 72nd Session of the Synod of Bishops of Kyiv-Galician Supreme Archbishopric of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church....
- «We show solidarity with everybody who is threatened with ecological disaster», – Bishops of the UGCC 09 June 2016 13:25 We want to express our deep concern over continued negligence of those in charge - people and structures - who failed to prevent this disaster and its consequences. We expect that a thorough investigation will be held in order to reveal the truth.
- Head of the UGCC greeted Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent De Paul on the 90th anniversary of foundation 09 June 2016 11:18 During their 90-year-old existence and activities , the Society of Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent De Paul in Ukraine were able to completely embody the words of their founder and heavenly patron – St. Vincent De Paul: “To serve those who are poor is to serve Christ”. ...
- The Head of the UGCC: “Youth association forms valuable priorities of a young person while they getting older” 07 June 2016 11:14 In June, 9 – 12, in Whippany, New Jersey (USA) will be held XIX World Congress of Ukrainian Youth Association with Congress Banquet. On this occasion the Head and Father of the UGCC sent a greeting letter to Petro Dum, chief of Ukrainian Youth Association World board and all participants of the World...
- Head of Church: “That man who raises a hand against unborn children, kills the future of Ukraine and our people” 05 June 2016 17:48 We desire to solemnly proclaim the dignity of the Ukrainian family, dignity and rights of Ukraine’s children. Any attempts to equate marriage between a man and a woman with other kinds of co-living, is a discrimination of the family. That person, who raises a hand against unborn children, kills the...