- I advise you to start changes in the country with yourself, - Metropolitan Borys Gudziak 31 August 2021 22:41 Metropolitan of the UGCC, head of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in the United States, President of the UCU and moral authority Borys Gudziak believes that in order to have a successful country, every Ukrainian should start changes with themselves.
- You are a special face of the Church - mother and teacher, - Head of the UGCC to principals of catholic schools 31 August 2021 22:14 Today, August 30, prior to the new academic year His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Father and Head of the UGCC arranged an online meeting with principals and teachers of catholic schools of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church acting in Ukraine.
- The Council of Churches and Ministry of Education signed a cooperation agreement aiming at valuable upbringing of children and youth 28 August 2021 12:02 A cooperation agreement between All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine was signed on August 25, 2021. The Head of the UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav called this event a historical one. Serhiy Shkarlet, minister for...
- Blessing of Ukraine: In St. Sofia of Kyiv representatives of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations prayed for Ukraine 25 August 2021 19:25 On August 24, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's Independence a prayer for Ukraine was held on the grounds of National Reserve “Sofia Kyivska” in the presence of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and his wife.
- God gave us the greatest gift to live, develop and defend free and independent Ukraine, - the Head of the UGCC in his congratulation on Independence Day 24 August 2021 19:22 Ukraine will be what Ukrainians will be. Ukraine as a state will be what our citizens will be. This is our responsibility which county we will build up, forming independent Ukraine, - assumes His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church on the 30th...
- We sense that you came to visit not the Orthodox only but all Ukrainians, - His Beatitude Sviatoslav to His-All Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew 24 August 2021 19:14 The Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations chaired by His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Father and Head of the UGCC met with His All-Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew, Patriarch of Constantinople, who on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence is staying...
- Ukrainian statehood has a thousand-year history. Our trident is a symbol of Prince Volodymyr, - the Head of the UGCC 23 August 2021 18:47 Thirty years ago Ukrainian independence did not emerge from nowhere like some mere coincidence: Ukrainian statehood has a thousand-year history. The Head of the UGCC emphasized going live “Zhyve TV”.
- Plast Online Vatra in Australia 23 August 2021 11:06 Due to quarantine restrictions in Australia, many organizations do not have the possibility to congregate in person for their activities. However, plast members of Australia continually endeavour to support one another and keep their spirits alive in various ways....
- «The Seven Sacraments» Summer Camp held in Philadelphia 23 August 2021 10:51 During August 16-20, 2021 a Summer Camp for Children “Vacation with God: The Seven Sacraments” was held at the Basilian Spirituality Center in Jenkintown, PA. The camp was organized and sponsored by St. Sophia Religious Association of Ukrainian Catholics, Inc. and the Sisters of the Order of...
- Military parade is a proof that defense of the Motherland is a matter of nationwide concern, - His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Head of the UGCC 22 August 2021 13:44 Ukraine is in preparation for its 30th anniversary of independence, the guarantees of what are our defenders, Ukrainian army fighting in Ukrainian – Russian war for seven years. That is why a military parade occupies a significant place here, the Head of the UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav in a...
- The order of Fr. Andriy Pshepiurskiy caters for a continuous live spiritual care of Ukrainian soldiers, - the Head of the UGCC in the museum 19 August 2021 17:10 “Our Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church has preserved an everlasting tradition of spiritual care of Ukrainian soldiers over centuries, and this tradition is a live manifestation we see in the order today”, said His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Father and Head of the UGCC on August 18, 2021 as he...
- Carl Anderson became the seventh knight of the Order of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky 18 August 2021 13:59 August 15, during the 67th Assumption Pilgrimage which took place in Slutsburg, New York metropolitan Borys Gudziak on behalf of the Head of the UGCC and members of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC presented Carl Anderson who has led the "Knights of Columbus" around the world for 20 years, with the...
- The Head of the UGCC gives an award of a spiritual father of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen to the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War 18 August 2021 10:03 August 16, 2021 in Kyiv the Father and Head of the UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav solemnly presents the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War with an award of “Golden cross of merit” of Fr. Andriy Pshepiurskiy, a spiritual father of Sich Riflemen legion....
- The Head of the UGCC presented the command of the Ukrainian Navy the icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help 07 August 2021 19:09 August 4, 2021 His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Father and Head of the UGCC met with a commander of the Ukrainian Navy rear admiral Oleksiy Neizhpapa. The meeting took place in Odesa at the premises of the Ukrainian Naval Forces. During the meeting the Head of the Church passed to the Naval Forces an...