- Ecumenical Prayer Service on the occasion of Week of Prayer for Christian Unity held in Kyiv 21 January 2022 23:39 January 18-25, 2022, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be traditionally held around the world. This year’s main theme of the prayer is: “We saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him”, Mt 2: 2.
- We ask Lord to guide us further through our pilgrimage from slavery to freedom, - His Beatitude Sviatoslav on Epiphany 20 January 2022 10:08 In today's holiday we are called to discover our duty: to be free from evil, pass through this world like Israel through the Red Sea, led by the power and grace of the Holy Spirit. Since today all evil perishes and we recognize God as our deliverer not through water but through the power of the Holy...
- Word of John the Baptist about repentance is addressed to each of us, - Head of the UGCC on Sunday before Epiphany 17 January 2022 23:05 Today, as Christians, we are called to listen to the voice of John the Baptist and do that part of homework which belongs to us as humans - to prepare for Epiphany. Let us take a deep examination of conscience, make an effort to overcome our sins and shortcomings. Let us hasten to the Confession, which...
- Head of the UGCC: Russia's geopolitical considerations are based on values that differ from Christian postulates 17 January 2022 10:16 Churches and Christians should live by Christian values and not allow politicians to preach the Christian idea in the modern world, because they – one way or another – will tarnish it.
- We must fill post-COVID world with grace of Holy Spirit, - Head of the UGCC on feast of Saint Basil the Great 15 January 2022 12:46 We are witnessing the emergence of a new culture. A new epoch of human life is opening up. Some call it the post-COVID world. What is the task of Christians in this new world? Saint Basil the Great clearly tells us today: we must fill this world with the grace of the Holy Spirit. His Beatitude Sviatoslav,...
- "I wouldn't want the issue of Ukraine to be omitted at the meeting of the Pope and Patriarch Kirill," - the Head of the UGCC 14 January 2022 13:18 It is known that the preparation of a meeting between the Pope and Kirill is ongoing and that the Moscow Patriarch is unlikely to have agreed to this without the consent of Putin. A journalist of Ukrinform asked the head of the UGCC whether the Holy See needs such a meeting if Kirill's movements are only...
- Visit of Pope Francis to Ukraine is first of all great spiritual event, - His Beatitude Sviatoslav 12 January 2022 21:23 The Pope's visit to any country is, first of all, a great spiritual event. We sometimes take Pope's visits by analogy with the visits of political leaders. But in fact it is about something else - the Pope comes as a pilgrim, a pilgrim of peace, stated by His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Father and Head of...
- Thank you for understanding that future of Church and people forged in seminary, - Head of the UGCC to participants of “Christmas Prosphora” 10 January 2022 21:43 Folk wisdom says that in God's eyes the great is the one who built God's temple. But even greater in God's eyes is the one who helped to bring up at least one priest who will be serving in that temple. With these words, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Father and Head of the UGCC addressed the participants of...
- Christ came to restore self-confidence of man, - Head of the UGCC on feast of Nativity of Our Lord 08 January 2022 21:46 Let us view our life and our future from the perspective of God’s optimism. Let us allow the Lord incarnate, enter our life with His heavenly light, with the prospect of a better future in our lives. With this appeal, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church...
- His Beatitude Sviatoslav advised how to overcome evil with good 07 January 2022 21:42 To learn to do good, one must work. Similarly, in order to recover from one's inclinations, habits, and overcome personal sinfulness, one must make an effort to work on oneself, - said His Beatitude Svitoslav, the Head of the UGCC in his Christmas greeting on 5 Channel....
- Celebrating Christmas is to experience fullness and fruitfulness of relationship with God, - Head of UGCC on Sunday before Christmas 02 January 2022 23:17 Celebrating Christmas means to experience together with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the peak of the fruitfulness of our faith in Christ, who is coming to be born in our life. To celebrate Christmas is to join and continue the genealogy of Jesus Christ in modern society, in his joys and sorrows, customs...
- His Beatitude Sviatoslav greeted Ukrainians on New Year 01 January 2022 17:25 The Father and Head of the UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav, congratulated Ukrainians on the New Year 2022 and wished first of all peace from God, as well as the power of His love and mercy to change for the better and build the space of love and respect for a person around us....