22 September 2012
10:19 - The Day of God the Creator was celebrated in Lviv On the 16th of September, the festive celebration of the Day of God the Creator took place in the UGCC Parish of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, which is located in the Sukhoty village of the Brody District in Lviv region. In those festive measures participated Dr. Volodymyr Sheremeta, who is the Chief...
22 September 2012
22 September 2012
10:09 - Synod of Bishops proclaimed 2013 as the UGCC Year of Faith As a response to the initiative of the Holy Pontiff, the UGCC Synod of Bishops, held on September 8-16th in Winnipeg (Canada) declared 2013 as UGCC Year of Faith and created an Organizing Committee. According to a communiqué of the Synod of Bishops 2012, the Committee is charged to plan appropriate...
22 September 2012