12 December 2012
02:58 - In Ukraine, the first manual for the church press-services, was published The Religious-Information Service of Ukraine (RISU) published a book entitled "The Church and the Media: Seven Steps to Understanding", which will be useful for the church press-agencies and for the journalists, who are writing about the religion. This is a manual containing the basics of...
12 December 2012
12 December 2012
02:56 - In the year 2013, in Poland, after the restoration there will be the opening of the renovated Greek-Catholic Church The wooden church of the Assumption of Our Lady was constructed in 1693 in the Rudka village of Sub-Carpathian Province. This is one of the oldest buildings of the sacred wooden art in Poland. While doing the repair works, in the temple there were replaced the stone foundation, the destroyed log...
12 December 2012
12 December 2012
11:48 - A Pastoral Catechism Guide was officially presented in Lviv On December 6, 2012, during a scholarly-practical conference, dealing with the gains, challenges, and perspectives of expanding UGCC pastoral theology, held at UCU Philosophical-Theological Faculty Conference Hall in Lviv, A Pastoral Catechism Guide was presented. This guide was...
12 December 2012