- “A priest does not have the right to make political speeches or to be a leader of political actions. Yet, he should not abandon his faithful!” 21 February 2014 17:21 Dear Hierarchs and Priests! Together with you, I am pained by all the wounds inflicted on our people and I support your priestly zeal and closeness to your flock. Given the dramatic situation in our country, I want to remind all of you of the fundamental norms of serving as a priest....
- "We need to cool " hot head " and return to peaceful resistance, which is a productive way of confrontation between good and evil ..." - The Head of UGCC 21 February 2014 13:31 Maidan deaths shocked the whole Ukrainian society and to some extent "sobered" it... violence is never a constructive way to solve problems. There is an important moral norm: the end does not justify the means of achieving it, because it is impossible to reach a holy purpose by criminal means,...