Head of the UGCC: Prince Volodymyr at the peak of his earthly glory realized that true victory is forgiveness
29 July 2019 11:52
Perhaps there, under the Chersonesos, St. Volodymyr understood: in order to bring together all the lands and all the people of the Kyivan state, to heal the separation, the only thing which is needed is faith in God's mercy, love and forgiveness.
- On the day of St. Prince Volodymyr His Beatitude Sviatoslav celebrates the Divine Liturgy in the Patriarchal Cathedral in Kyiv 26 July 2019 14:24 July 28, 2019 His Beatitude Sviatoslav, Head and Father of the UGCC leads the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy at 11 am in the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection in Kyiv on occasion of celebrating the day of St. Volodymyr the Great, equal to the apostles....
- Head of the UGCC: Lemko Vatra Festival collects Lemky, who become filled with the power to live and create for Ukraine 19 July 2019 13:31 On July 19-21 in Poland, in the village of Zdynia, Lemko Vatra Festival will take place - a grand event in which dozens of musical groups from all over the world will take part.
- How to discern a vocation to the priesthood? - His Beatitude Sviatoslav to youth in Zarvanytsia 18 July 2019 21:51 “How to discern a vocation to the priesthood? Primarily, how it is to be developed. Apart from that, what young people, who are ready to sacrifice their hearts to God, ought to do whether their parents are against their entering monastery or seminary and treat it as disobedience? What if to leave...
- Head of the UGCC in Zarvanytsia emphasized that we will be children of the patriarchal Church when we learn to be together. 16 July 2019 13:12 We are a patriarchal Church. The patriarchiate is not given. The patriarchiate is a certain way of being together with our Church, which exists in Ukraine and throughout the world. When we learn to be together, to defeat what separates us, then we will gradually become a truly patriarchal Church....
His Beatitude Sviatoslav in Zarvanytsia: The front line of struggle between good and evil lies not somewhere in the East of Ukraine, but through my heart
16 July 2019 13:04
When a person hears God, he allows the Creator to enter into his life. This was emphasized by the Head and Father of the UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav on Sunday, July 14, 2019, during the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, which took place in the framework of this year's National Pilgrimage to...
Head of the UGCC: Our Church has its faithful even among the Chinese
14 July 2019 21:22
“I recently received a letter from the Chinese parish of the UGCC. It was written by the Chinese of origin who are faithful of our Church,” said the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church His Beatitude Sviatoslav at a meeting with the youth during the annual national pilgrimage to...
- If you know how to distinguish the truth from lies, then no false politician will receive your voice, Head of the UGCC to the youth in Zarvanytsia 14 July 2019 21:17 We should discover and know the Truth, that is, the Lord. This was emphasized by His Beatitude Sviatoslav, Head and Father of the UGCC, during a meeting with the youth in Zarvanytsia on Saturday, July 13, 2019.
- Head of the UGCC: Paul could fulfill his mission only in unity and communion with Peter 14 July 2019 13:27 This year we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the UGCC coming out from the underground. And we see very clearly that the supreme witness given to the communion of the Kyivan Church with Peter is the blood of the martyrs of our Church. This blood is a spiritual testament, a covenant of faith of our...
- Pope Francis Meets with Ukrainian Church Leaders over Two Days 13 July 2019 14:15 An unprecedented event took place in Rome on July 5-6. Desiring to demonstrate support for the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church at a time of war, shifts in interconfessional relations, fluctuating hopes amid heightened tensions, humanitarian and social crises, Pope Francis invited the head,...
- A camp for socially vulnerable children ran by Sisters Servants in Yaremche 11 July 2019 21:33 July 1-8, 2019 in the youth center “Carpathians, Yaremche, Sisters Servants in cooperation with Basilian fathers ran a Christian camp for participants of fifty children from a charitable program “The Bridge of Hope”. Owing to benefactors and donors from Ukraine and oversees, sisters have been...
- "The war in Ukraine is a colonial war, aimed at restoring a system like the Soviet Union," Head of the UGCC 11 July 2019 12:47 The Church helps to build social justice by preaching and applying four principles of its social doctrine: dignity of the human person, solidarity, subsidiarity and common good. For free people, a state is a common good. For Ukrainians, a state is the only guarantee of being free on their land....